IBM Champion and leading Db2 expert Craig S. Mullins will deliver a presentation on considerations for data management at SHARE Dallas, sponsored by Infotel Corp.


Tampa-based global software vendor Infotel Corp announced today its sponsorship of SHARE Dallas 2022, one of the leading conferences in the enterprise IT community.

At the Hyatt Regency Dallas from March 27 to March 30, 2022, technology professionals from across the globe will gather to attend more than 100 technical sessions focusing on topics like DevOps, security, IT operations, multiple virtual storage and professional development.

During the conference, Infotel will be unveiling its latest data management products for the large enterprise — Arvitam, a digital preservation and modernization solution, and Deepeo, a data anonymizing and housekeeping tool. And on March 30, Infotel will sponsor a presentation by IBM® Champion and leading Db2 expert Craig S. Mullins on considerations for data management.

“We are thrilled to be returning to SHARE this year, after not being able to attend last year due to COVID-19,” said Jeff Castella, managing director, software products for Infotel Corp. USA. “Throughout the pandemic, companies across the globe have had to digitize more of their workflows than ever before, and with that transition, comes the need for better and more secure data management tools and an educated workforce to deploy them. SHARE Dallas offers an excellent opportunity for industry leaders to exchange a wealth of knowledge and learn about the best solutions on the market to help them succeed in their roles.”

Infotel will be in booth 207 to discuss leveraging mainframe automation and Artificial Intelligence to improve performance and control costs on z/OS®. Infotel solutions are designed with DBA and developers in mind to save costs and reduce workload, allowing greater bandwidth to focus on more strategic tasks that impact the numbers of a business.

Infotel with Craig S. Mullins Speaking Session Details:

Title: To Protect and Preserve: Treat Your Data Properly or Pay the Consequences

Where: Hyatt Regency Dallas

When: Wednesday, March 30 from 1 – 2 p.m. CST

Speakers: Craig S. Mullins, Db2 consultant & Morgan Attias, senior consultant at Insoft Infotel More info:

All SHARE Dallas attendees are eligible to attend Craig’s presentation, no special registration is required.

What’s New from Infotel at SHARE Dallas?

One of Infotel’s latest product offerings, Arvitam, guarantees immutable, high-volume data archiving which can span years, decades and beyond. For companies subject to complex regulations, Arvitam can streamline data compliance with hundreds of international standards, including ISO 14721 – OAIS and NC Z 42-013, to enable digital archiving with strong legal proof of evidence — all on one platform. Arvitam protects confidential records with a digital safety box and ensures long-term, tamper-proof retention of digital assets.

Additionally, Arvitam can archive data in any format, including mainframe, desktop files, audio and visual, social media and more. And with a wide range of connectors including SAP, FileNet, Nuzeo, Livelink, Microsoft Exchange and Lotus, deployment is customizable and painless for IT professionals with little time to spare.

Infotel’s other product offering to be unveiled at SHARE Dallas is Deepeo, a digital anonymization solution for enterprises needing to streamline GDPR and other data protection regulations. Deepeo can help streamline large volumes of unstructured data, oftentimes scattered across diverse data centers. Deepeo’s agents can be deployed on multiple types of databases from Oracle to SQL servers to Db2 and PostGreSQL, and are easily customizable to any clients’ specific needs.


SHARE Inc. is an independent, volunteer-run association providing enterprise technology professionals with continuous education and training, valuable professional networking and effective industry influence. Twice each year, SHARE gathers the leading subject matter experts, vendors, and business visionaries in enterprise IT for a week of education and innovation. More information about SHARE Dallas 2022 can be found at

About Infotel

Infotel Corp., based in Tampa, Florida, is a software vendor and IT consulting firm specializing in data performance and optimization solutions across both distributed and mainframe platforms. For more than 40 years, Infotel has delivered proven solutions to help clients improve their data management systems. For more information on Infotel Corp., please visit